New Balance Packaging design and trade dress system applications


As a leading producer of athletic performance footwear and apparel, New Balance has always been at the forefront of innovation and technology within the industry. However, in recent years, with the expansion of product lines and offerings had come a diluted and fragmented brand presence. This disparity was never more evident than at retail, where packaging was not only inconsistent, but also overshadowed by the competition.


Following a thorough audit of all New Balance and competitor branded communications, a new trade dress system was developed that would cover a vast array of packaging and advertising formats. To support this major initiative, a brand essence book was developed that interwove the new look with the New Balance positioning. The result is a consistent brand presentation that has both impact and instant recognition at retail.

Agency: Motiv

Premium Shoe PackagingPremium Shoe Packaging
Base and Licensed PackagingBase and Licensed Packaging
Color-Coded Trade Dress SystemColor-Coded Trade Dress System
Brand Essence Book CoverBrand Essence Book Cover
Brochure Essence Book – Select SpreadsBrochure Essence Book – Select Spreads